May 17, 2008


Yesterday my friend Shana and I took our first spinning class. What fun! Barbara at Stony Mountain Fibers is a great teacher and I'm so looking forward to next week!

Here I am, giving it my best beginner's shot. You can tell by the lumpy quality of the single that I have some learning to do. (ha! Understatement!)

Barbara sent us home with homework. We have a chunk of unwashed fleece that we are supposed to wash and card to get ready for spinning next week. She also sent us home with some washed fleece that we can card and practice spinning with a drop spindle.

Some pictures:

My curious dog:

Hand carders:

Vegetable matter. Pick, pick, pick.

If I do any drop spindle spinning you'll be hearing about that, too!


Nikkiana said...

Oooh! A Fricke! I have a single treddle one of those. :D

Monica said...

Wow!! I can't wait to read more about your learning to spin!