October 9, 2007

Slow progress

I blame the heat. It has been in the upper 80s and low 90s here in Central Va for the past week. In mid-October. It's crazyland, I tell you. I have no problem knitting in this heat during the summer, but somehow when it's the fall it feels wrong wrong wrong.

It's so hot that one of the herding dogs at the fiber festival decided to jump into the water trough to cool down.

I've only knit a few more rows on the easter dress. After about 12 more rows of colorwork, the rest of the dress is straight (yaaawn!) stockinette. So I've made a deal with myself. After I finish the colorwork I can cast on a second project to keep things lively. I'm predicting grey socks.

But! I should really be learning how to crochet since the easter dress has picot edging. Eh, it'll happen soon enough. For now, I want to play with my pretty new yarn!!

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