May 21, 2008


It's the mad dash to the birthday due-date here! The sleeve, thankfully, is going quicker than I expected. Add to that the inch I'm taking off in length to compensate for the width of the shoulders on the body and I think the sleeves will be done with time to put the whole sheband together and (re)block.

I love the ultra-traditional puff of the sleeve after the cuff. Just a few more inches of fleas and I'll be ready for the top pattern on the sleeve. Then, sleeve #2! Woo!

Want to hear about my heart dropping to the center of the earth? The other day I woke up to the sound of my dog chewing on something. In my morning daze I just managed to remember that the sweater body was blocking on the bathroom floor. And I had forgotten to shut the door behind me after a midnight trip. Noooooooooo!
The damage was minimal, thank goodness. Today I repaired it without even having to rip back- just a bit of duplicate stitche here and there, and some readjustment of tension. It could have been so, so much worse. Honestly it makes me queasy even thinking about it, so I won't.

The body is reblocking after a hot bath to try to shrink it up a bit (unsuccessful so far!) and you'd better believe I won't be forgetting to shut the door behind me!

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