November 25, 2008

Tuesday Morning Mitten Report.

postwar mitten tuesday 005
Mitten number two! I may actually have a shot at finishing these suckers on timeish!

I'm loving the pattern. I liked knitting the thumb hole onto scrap yarn rather than casting off and back on like I did for the Selbuvotter. The whole shebang looked tidier while knitting, and the stitches were just sitting there, ready to go, when I was ready for them!  I usually pick up an extra stitch in the corners of things like thumbs and gussets - this time I didn't and I regret it. There's a wee hole where there shouldn't be, and I'm itching to stitch it closed. 

I've also had some problems with my tension related to knitting on two circs. Oops! At the turn, things get a bit tight and bumpy. It almost looks like a faux seam up the side of the mitten. No disaster, but it makes my teeth itch a little.

Perfectionist, who?

1 comment:

Margaret said...

Honestly, I like these mittens better!
I use two circs and take extra care when stranding across the gap. One thing that helps is to lock in your float right before the gap so it can't get pulled too tight. And, my first Selbu mittens I just ignored that cast off nonsense and knitted onto scrap yarn. You are the boss of your mittens!