November 14, 2008

Update: fjordalicious!

This week's shop update has six spinning fibers in the fjord colorway!
November 14 Update

In addition to the ones above  I also have this fjordish top:
Foggy Fjord
I'm calling it Foggy Fjord and I luff it. And I'm experimenting with photographing my lighter tops on a white background. While I love the drama of black, I think that some of the subtle color variations of the light tops get lost against black. Just like deep tops get lost against white. 

The Deep fjord handspun shown a couple posts down is also in the shop now.

For those who haven't been over to the shop recently, I wanted to mention that I am dyeing 8 ounces of my colorways at a time, but dividing them into 4 ounces braids.  This means you can buy just one 4 ouncer for a small project or get both and make something bigger. Flexibility, yay!

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