July 14, 2008

Sunday night spinning

Last night Shana came over for dinner and an evening of spinning. It was cozy and relaxing. Alex worked on a crossword on the couch, calling out tricky clues, while Shana and I chatted and spun up a storm.

lavender evening 003

I love the contrast between our wheels - sleek light wood modern with a whirring sound, and dark old traditional style with a (charming!) creak.

I managed to spin up all the dyed roving from the weekend, filling my bobbin to the max.
lavender evening 006

I dyed the other singles so tonight.... I ply!


Christy said...

Oh, pretty! And it does look like the lavendar in my garden, complete with slightly silvery cast.

Shana said...

I think we spun for about 4 hours! And 4 ounces of roving. Wow!